I am sooo excited to share this interview with you guys, this woman is one of my absolute biggest inspirations, meet Tamanna Roashan from Dress your Face. Not only is she CRAZY talented, but she is humble and knows that true success comes from hard work & perseverance.
Tell us a bit about yourself.
Well, I am a product of a mixed household- My mother is Hindu Indian and my father is a Muslim from Afghanistan. I love being half and half! It really gave me a well rounded background and I took the best from both cultures and religions. I was born in Los Angeles and raised near San Francisco, then recently came back to LA to take my career to greater heights. It’s really been a dream come true!
You have really grown a huge international following, especially on your Instagram (she has 750,000 followers!!). How did you start out in makeup and how did it grow to what it is today?
My career started when I was very young… I started as a photographer for weddings (my parents side business) when I was only 13 years old (1997/98). I spent a LOT of time with brides, and back then they didn’t hire artists for hair and makeup… In fact their friends and family would get them ready at home. I would often help, since I was there taking photos anyway. Because of my photography training, I was very keen on making the brides look as polished as possible on camera and this is what ultimately helped me create my “HD Photography Makeup” technique once that technology came out in the early to mid 2000’s. I did go to cosmetology school and makeup institutions for training and certification, but it was because of my photography background and the quality of my makeup that I showed on camera and the perfect images I shared with the world on social media which led to the all the attention I received. From MySpace to Facebook and now Instagram, my audience grew very rapidly and I would have never imagined it to be this big. I even got opportunities to work for magazines and submit beauty articles and photos to be published globally, before I even turned 19. It just all happened so fast! But social media is a full time job on it’s own… The biggest contributor to my growth was the fact that I never stopped sharing. I posted photos and revealed all the products I used to create those looks. I held nothing back. So my pages weren’t just filled with beautiful pictures, they were filled with VALUABLE information as well. Not a lot of artists did that.
You have an amazing collaboration with Anastasia Beverly Hills! How did that come about and can you fill us in on any other exciting upcoming projects?
Yes, she has truly been my fairy godmother (as I like to call her)! I had been using Anastasia Beverly Hills brow products for over 10 years… Since before I even knew she was a real person. When I joined Instagram 2 years ago, I would post my work and list all products used. One day she stumbled on my page and noticed I had been listing her brow products on all my posts… I nearly died of a heart attack when I saw her email sitting in my inbox, basically thanking me and asking to add me to their PR mailing list to try their products before they even launch. She started “following” me and commenting on my posts and she even defended me when the “bullies” would say offensive things to me. She always showed me a lot of love and support from the moment we met online, and our bond only grew stronger since then. Less than a year later, she asked me to be the face of her world-famous “Contour Kit” and invited me to join her at the Golden Globes In-Style Party as her date. She has gifted me some of the most memorable moments of my life. She means the world to me and I strive to be more and more like her… I see a lot of myself in her. And she has been so generous not only to me but also to other artists in the Instagram community. We have all become like family and we have a lot of amazing things planned for the future… Stay tuned!
Where do you get your inspiration from?
I’m inspired by anything and everything… from earth’s natural wonders like the wild flowers and tropical beaches, to our man-made treasures such as Indian jewelry and textile patterns. But more than anything (and I don’t mean for this to sound cocky in any way) I feel the need to stay inspired most by MYSELF and my own work, because the moment my own work doesn’t inspire me to create more, and my own life doesn’t inspire me to live more, I’ll know that I have lost my fire. I never want that day to come.
What are your 3 don’t leave home without beauty products?
1) MAC Pro Longwear Concealer in NC42 it sounds like a dark color but it actually goes on light and has a peachy warm tone to knock out dark under-eye circles!
2) Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz Brow Pencil in Medium Ash this color isn’t too dark or too light and the pencil is super easy to use… It also tricks everyone into thinking my brows are naturally this perfect when in fact I have no brows!
3) Lancôme Hypnose Drama Waterproof mascara in Black it’s the best mascara I have ever used… Thickens, lengthens, curls, separates, and lasts all day through sweat and tears without flaking or smearing!
You have done an amazing job creating a career out of your dreams, congratulations on all your success! Do you have any advice for other girls when it comes to living their dream?
Thank you! My biggest most rewarding advice is something my husband actually told me years ago. If your DREAM job isn’t available through an established company already, or doesn’t exist for you when you are ready for it, you have to take that leap and CREATE IT yourself. Be the person you see yourself being. If you’re good at something and you’re driven and you can see yourself living a successful life because of it, then don’t let yourself make excuses. I did this almost 4 years ago. I worked for a huge cosmetic line and my hard work constantly got recognized and I was promoted several times over the span of 8 years, and was next in line to be their National Trainer which was my ultimate goal in the company. When the economy crashed and this position got eliminated, my purpose was completely lost. But I still went to work every day because that’s what I was supposed to do. Just roll with it and hope for the best. One day I came home and my husband saw how unhappy I was and he gave me that golden advice… and just like that, I left my cosmetic management job of 8 years, and I turned my part time side-business known as “DressYourFace” into a full time dream career. I couldn’t be a “national trainer” with that company, but I created that position for myself and now I am traveling the world and educating thousands of people with my knowledge in the industry. So, whatever it is that you dream of doing, you have to make it happen for yourself. It will not just be handed to you on a silver platter… YOU are the only person that can help you.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
DressYourFace is growing. Aside from product collaborations and branding the name, I hope to one day open up a school for aspiring makeup artists to learn REAL WORLD makeup based on REAL WORLD experiences. I do not teach “by the book” and my current one-on-one students absolutely love that because I can twist the curriculum based on needs. I want to be able to reach a larger group but still offer that one-on-one feel, and I hope to build a school that can allow students to broaden their knowledge outside the box without feeling ignored or overlooked in a crowd of artists. I hope in 5-10 years that I can make this into a reality!
Thank you Tamanna for sharing your story with us and your amazing words of advice and for being such an inspiration to me and many other women!! You can follow her on Instagram here.
Congratulations to Tamanna her parents Mr Roashan and my sister Sujata Roashan
Yes congrats to them, they raised an amazingly talented & inspiring daughter!!
Tamanna Roashan is such a talented lady, she’s beautiful on the inside and out. I had the pleasure of attending her pro student of the day and had such a great experience with her. She’s truly a humble person. Love her ❤️
Wow what an amazing opportunity! Good for you, I’m sure you picked up some amazing tips from her, she’s crazy talented! 🙂
I agree Gina, Tamanna is the real deal! 😉
Hey Tamanna –what incredible accomplishments! So proud of you. You were always so talented and loved what you did so much.