I was asked a great question by a client recently who cleans her makeup brushes on a regular basis, but finds that the hairs dry out in no time. When it comes to conditioning your makeup brushes, should you or shouldn’t you?
This is an often debated topic amongst makeup lovers. If you condition your brushes regularly you run the risk of creating a build up of conditioner on your brushes, which we all know can feel really icky on our hair. On the other hand, if you don’t condition, you can end up with dried out bristles that break easily and you’ll be buying a new brush way sooner than you need to, to get that soft bristle feeling again.
One thing we can all agree on is you don’t need to condition your synthetic brushes. Synthetic hair brushes don’t have natural oils in them that get stripped when shampooing so they don’t dry out the way natural hair brushes do.
So what should you do then? Well you have a couple options:
Use a regular conditioner that you would use on your hair to condition your brushes. The key to preventing build up is don’t do it more often than 1x a month and only leave the conditioner on your brush for 30 sec- 1min before rinsing off.
Your other option is to use olive oil. Use 1 part antibacterial soap & 1 part olive oil to simultaneously cleanse and condition your brushes, run your brush over the mixture and then rinse out after a few minutes.
Hope these tips help, if you have any other questions leave it in the comments 🙂
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