So we’ve talked about how taking care of the outside can improve how we feel on the inside, and we’ve figured out how to nail down your new look, but what else is necessary in improving your self image?
It’s really simple actually and I want us all to do this together starting today.
Cultivating an attitude of gratitude is the single most important step when it comes to improving self image, confidence, happiness and your overall contentment in life. Not to mention that happy people are more likely to look for and stick to ways to improve all of the other areas of their life.
So here’s your homework assignment:
I want you to write down 3 things that you are grateful for every night before you go to bed. If you want you can tweet them to me, having someone to be accountable to ensures that you will stick to it.
Now here’s the really important part:
For the first 2 weeks I want you to just focus on your physical looks.
This is really important if you are suffering from body dysmorphia. I want you to stand in front of the mirror and find something, anything you like. If you don’t think you can find something, trust me you can. Even if it’s something like you like how long your eyelashes are. That’s something.
What this does is takes away from the negative messages we repeat to ourselves (my thighs are too big, my nose is crooked) and replaces it with positive messages. The goal is to flood ourselves with so many positive thoughts that we drown out the negative.
Ok who’s with me? I’m starting today 🙂
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