There has been a rise lately in cosmetic products available that are labelled as “Paraben free”. What does that mean exactly? Well Parabens are the chemicals in your favorite lotions that preserve your product from growing all sorts of nasty things like fungus and bacteria. The controversy lies in it’s supposed harmful side effects, like the fact that it has the ability to mimic estrogen in the body. There has been studies done where the evidence clearly points to the link between parabens found in underarm deodorant and breast cancer, yet no one has confirmed it outright.
What to do in the meantime? I say why take the risk. Read your labels carefully. Don’t just buy the prettiest package on the shelf. Start looking at other alternatives such as natural creams, makeup and deodorants. I like the Derma-e line which is usually found in health & nutrition stores. Be an informed consumer!
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