Do you remember when you were younger and makeup was all about fun and color and there wasn’t the pressure of, oh I gotta make it look natural and not overdone? Well I do, and one product I used to love in particular was colored mascara. Now that was fun makeup! Well it’s time to have fun again guys, cause Estee Lauder has just recently come out with 5 vibrant shades to add to their collection. They are Amber, Amethyst, Garnet, Emerald and my fave, Sapphire (an electric blue). Now if you’re thinking I’m crazy for recommending colored mascara, there is a more modern approach to using this product. First apply your own mascara to your lashes, then apply the colored one to just the tips of your lashes. This will add some visual interest to your look without looking to over the top.
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Hi Mateja, unfortunately they were a limited product and no longer available I believe
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