So today I am sharing everything you wanted to know about the iRestore Pro device. I get so many DM’s and comments asking if I really think this device works and I know a lot of you might think, well she got paid to post about it, but you know I am always honest with you guys. I never post a product unless I have tried it and truly like it. So with that being said, let’s get into this post!
So about a year ago, iRestore reached out to me asking if I would want to try their device and if I liked it, collab on a couple of videos. I had never heard of it before, but I had seen red light therapy face masks, so I was definitely intrigued, as well as in all honesty, a bit skeptical.
If you’ve been watching my alopecia videos, you’ll know that I regrew almost all of my hair back except for this one tiny stubborn little bald patch on the left side of my temple. It had started to fill in at one point, but cleared right up. Understandable given the stress I was going through at that time.
I started doing research on laser light therapy and found so many benefits to it that I agreed to give it a try. They sent over the device and I started using it immediately. The instructions are to use it every other day for 25 minutes.
After about 5 months of using the iRestore, I noticed what looked like tiny black pepper flakes in that spot. At the 6 month mark they were definite hairs that were growing in!!
So yes I believe it can work because it did for me. No one can say for sure what will work with alopecia and what won’t, everyone is different, everyone’s body is different and everyone’s experience with alopecia is different.
What I will say is that I love the fact that they have a 12 month money back guarantee. That to me speaks volumes and is pretty amazing for a company to offer.
So if you’re looking to purchase this device, head over here and make sure you save yourself $200 by entering the code “DP200” at checkout 😉
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