Ok so I have a confession to make and this is hard to admit cause my most watched video is my How to dye your hair ombre video, but I recently messed up big time on my hair. Big time. Not in the video, those instructions are still fine, but after. In my defense though, I’m not a hairstylist so I don’t really know the background of how these chemicals work, but boy have I educated myself big time now and I’m going to share with you how you can fix your hair dye mistakes.
So we’ll start off with the fact that the one basic thing you need to understand is that the box dye you buy from the drugstore/Walmart is chemically wayyy different from the professional dye you purchase at places like Sally’s beauty supply. I’ll explain more on that in another blog post that I’ll put up in the next week or so.
Ok so what happened to me was I was using professional hair dye on the bottoms of my hair (the red ombre’d part) and drugstore box dye on the roots which were darker. When I decided I wanted to eliminate the ombre and just make my hair all one color, I used my go to professional dye all over my hair. What ended up happening was that the parts that were drugstore box dyed didn’t pick up the dye and only my roots and bottoms did. Leaving me with this dark strip of hair where the drugstore box dye was. I basically looked like a skunk. A red skunk. Not a good look lol.
If you’ve ever had a problem like this, don’t worry this is easily fixable! I went to so many hair stylists who had so many different solutions that sounded incredibly complicated and I was so deflated. Until I found out about L’Oreal Color Zap.
This stuff is unbelievable and pretty easy to use. The instructions are on the package, but basically once you mix the contents up, you apply it to the areas where you messed up and it removes the dye, leaving fresh hair that can be colored to whatever shade you want.
If you don’t believe me just check out the before and after at the top of this post! If this post helps even one of you I’ll be so happy. Let me know if you’ve made this hair dye mistake in the comments or if you have any questions.
Nice tip ! 🙂
Glad you liked it 🙂