So we’ve talked about how important it is to get rid of old makeup and minimize your exposure to toxic products, and now it’s time to give your skin a break. I don’t mean tossing all your products out, I mean giving your skin a deep clean from the inside out.
How do you do this exactly? 2 words- Juice Detox. You might recall last year I embarked on a quest for perfect skin detox after watching Joe Cross’s film Fat, Sick and nearly Dead. I was frustrated with a dry scaly patch on my forehead that just wouldn’t go away for the life of me. At the end of the cleanse, the patch was gone! Fast forward to present day and my eczema is back with a vengeance! I have had eczema on and off for as long as I remember, and while it was worse in my youth, it has recently spread like wildfire, all over my shoulders, arms and upper back.
I’ve long been researching the effects your food has on you, reading blogs, seeing a holistic nutritionist and watching documentaries, but it’s never been something I’ve committed to fully. Well my body is telling me it’s now time so I am embarking on another juice detox, and I want you to join me!!
Whether you are suffering from a skin disorder of your own or want to give your winterized skin a spring glow, juicing has so many benefits.
Here are the detox deets:
– You can commit to however long you want- 3, 5 or 10 days (I’ll be doing 10)
– The juice should contain mostly veggies with a little fruit
– Juice at least 4 times a day and still make sure to drink lots of water
– No food allowed. We want to give our digestive systems a break for a bit so our body can use all its energy to repair our skin and bodies
– Get approval from your Doctor first. This is a must!
– We are starting Monday April 15th
Stay tuned to the blog this week, I’ll be posting recipes and more info on the benefits of juicing. Oh and if you want a menu plan, check out Joe Cross’s website,, there are great plans listed there and watch his film (the trailer is posted below). I hope you join me on this journey!
Hi Deepa,
I am in… I need a recipe for this..
Awesome! I’ll be posting recipes this week 🙂