Happy New Year to you all!! The start of a new year always brings the inevitable resolutions we make whether it be to lose weight, spend more time with family or finish that project that has been dragging out forever. So it got me thinking, if we made beauty resolutions what would they be? I came up with the top 5 commitments for 2012 that we should all make when it comes to our beauty regimen:
1. Wash your makeup off before you go to bed. This is probably one of the most important things you can do for yourself. Our pores open up when we sleep and makeup or dirt left on will be absorbed into our skin. Yucky.
2. Use an eye cream. People tend to forget that the skin around our eyes is thinner than our face, so you need a specific formulation for this delicate area.
3. Clean your brushes! I will never stop stressing the importance of this often neglected practice. The oils in your face transfer to your brush and bacteria can grow there if left uncleaned. It takes only 5 minutes, no excuses!!
4. Load up on antioxidants. You can get tons of this stuff in your fruits and vegetables, and you know what they say about beauty, it starts from within.
5. Try something new. Whether it be playing with bolder lip colors, experimenting with shadows or even trying different mascaras, do something a little out of your comfort zone. You never know what you will end up loving!
Most importantly, commit to taking better care of yourself. If we were all good to ourselves, we would all be good to each other and there would be less pain and suffering in this world. Here’s to a happy 2012!
Are there any regular products that you recommend to wash makeup brushes or should one buy a cleaner especially for cleaning brushes (which is more expensive)? Are you aware of any ingredients to avoid when selecting a product (ie. sulfate)?
There are brush cleansers that you can buy from different makeup brands, but I generally don’t like using products with alcohol in them because they tend to dry your brushes out. The best thing to use is a gentle shampoo.